Uta Weyand has had great international success giving numerous piano recitals and appearing with orchestras in most European countries, in Russia, Brazil, Cuba and the United States. She performed with such orchestras as the Orchestra of Madrid, those of Barcelona and Valencia, the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra and Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, the Stuttgart Philharmonic and the National Orchestra of Brazil, with such conductors as Jesús López Cobos, José Ramón Encinar, Enrique García Asensio, Manuel Galduf, Jac van Steen, Marc Tardue and Gabriel Chmura.
The Post and Courier (South Carolina, USA) forecasted her musical career, stating “Weyand demonstrates genius at the piano…she is a pianist of genius, who should have a long career.“ And the Nuremberg News confirms “…especially admirable is her amazing art to have the great Steinway sing and wrest many captivating colors from it.“. Uta Weyand in 1996 First Prize in the José Iturbi International Piano Competition in Valencia with two special prizes: one for the best interpretation of Spanish music and the other for Spanish contemporary music.
Since then Uta Weyand has greatly widened her repertoire: it covers all musical epochs from baroque to contemporary music. Having been living in Spain for more than ten years, Uta Weyand is a passionate interpreter of the Spanish piano repertoire. She dedicates herself to unknown or neglected piano works, performing music by Montsalvatge, Guridi, Ohana and Dupont among many others. She worked closely together with such composers as Michael Braunfels and Xavier Montsalvatge.
Uta Weyand received worldwide press reviews with her recordings for Hänssler Classics with music by Schumann, Mozart, Debussy, Montsalvatge, Granados and the Complete Works for Piano Solo by Manuel de Falla.